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In which turn does Bi or Gay content begin?

Make sure to have Male-Male on, go to Turn 6 after Emma’s laundry room scene. Ace should be missing from party room. Click on the hallway to see where he is. 


theres a bit at the start that says male-male which am guess means the mc and ace yet nothing am i missing something 


Male-male content will begin to be introduced in this upcoming update v0.09


good good

Probably due to this game still being developed, but during the soccer game, even though Emma lost (Ace got 3 points, she got 1) I still got the scene where Ace is "supposed to" leave the party as per Emma's victory conditions.


When you run out of things to do in one round, you should automatically move on to the next. I was stuck multiple times only because I didn't realize that going to the next round was entirely manual so I kept trying to find something to do and that really kills the pacing for the game.

Either that, or maybe put some kind of glow or icon over characters that you can interact with to continue the plot. Without it, it's just "click everyone until you can't do anything else" over and over again, and that's not fun.

Thank you for the feedback, I’ll keep your ideas in mind. Was this hint button in the top right corner helpful, or did you find yourself clicking on every character to try to find things to do each turn?

i always try to avoid using the hints because if you give them that much help, it might be better to just remove puzzles altogether. 

(1 edit) (+2)

it says NTR or NOT , but when u start the game, u get a warning that u cant avoid all NTR. 


Thanks for the warning.